Adding a Motor Cooling Fan | ETRL

Adding a Motor Cooling Fan | ETRL

With the summer months coming, I'd like to talk a little bit about motor cooling fans.

In both the Spec and Super Truck classes, motor cooling fans can be used to help control temperatures of your handout (Spec) or brushless (Super) motors. There are a number of cooling fan on the market that will work, however it's the mounting part of the equation that has to be looked at.

The fan can be mounted however you'd like, the only two rules being you can't modify the chassis to mount it nor cut the body for additional airflow. That being said, there are two pictures on this page showing the best place to mount the fan without breaking either of those two rules.

To mount, I used a small piece of Lexan and cut it to shape to fit in the location shown. Double-sided tape was used on both sides of the Lexan - one side to mount the Lexan to the chassis and the other to the fan. I would suggest a strong tape, something like ProTek Mounting Tape. I use this stuff on all my electronics and never have an issue with anything coming off.

Here's a few motor cooling fans I would suggest as well:
Wild Turbo Fan - 30mmx10mm
Maclan Racing 30mm HV Turbo Fan
ProTek RC 30x30mm Aluminum Cooling Fan

The picture below show an additional angle of the mounting; you can see the Lexan strip and how it was taped for maximum grip.

Adding a Motor Cooling Fan | ETRL