2019 ETRL Spec Truck Champion – Greg Monise
Wins: 1
Podium Finishes: 4
Pole Positions: 1
Races Attended: 5

Congratulations on winning the inaugural Spec Truck class in the 2019 ETRL Championship Series!
First off, tell us a little about yourself; how long have you been racing RC cars and what drew you to the Euro Truck class?
I started in 1986 when I was 5 but didn’t race or anything until about 1991. From roughly '91 - '03 I raced all forms of off-road, specializing in 1/10 gas truck and 1/10 2WD buggy. I drove for Team Losi as a factory driver for about 5 years then migrated to 1/8 scale as I drove for a few companies there as well. I kind of got burnt out and stepped away for a while.
Ya, that seems to be a common story among drivers - getting burnt out. Well, that and life - gets in the way sometimes LOL. But drivers always seem to come back - so why Euro Trucks?
To be completely honest, they are cost effective, the rules are strict with very little grey areas and they are absolutely defined by the driver.
That was the idea when Tamiya created the Tamiya Championship Series - a fair playing field. Also one of the reasons we adopted their rules for the Spec class.
So, we heard you're also quite the wheel in full size race cars. Tell us a little about that.
That's right. I've race full size cars as well for the past 10 years. It's been in Vintage sports cars - a '58 Austin Healey Sprite and a '68 MGB. I have been successful, winning many races as well as the championship in both. Recently I sold my MG that I spent 5 years building to try my hand at formula cars as it has the same premise as Euro trucks. Very strict rules and very heavily monitored cars making it a drivers class that is highly competitive. My restoration of an '84 Reynard Formula Ford is near complete and I hope to start shaking the car down in early 2020.
Sounds like fun - always wanted to race. I've tracked my daily driver a few times but I know it's no where near as cool as a dedicated track car.
So, racing format. Is this the first time you've run this type of system; 1 (short) qualifier, 3 mains, pit stops?
I have never raced anything using this format - but damn it is fun! The pit strategy played a huge part in many of the races this season, both positive and (unfortunately) negative for me. I love the style and the added element of thought needed for strategy.
There is certainly a strategy, especially with the trucks being so equal. Speaking of that, since you can’t make any major changes to the trucks, how difficult was it running on two different surfaces (carpet and asphalt)?
I had never run on carpet before and really struggled for quite some time but with help from locals (and an absurd number of laps) I've actually come to love it - so much so that I wouldn't mind racing on it all the time. Asphalt on the other hand was definitely my arch-nemesis! I did terrible on asphalt and did not particularly enjoy it. But that just means I need to practice and get over it! I have no idea at this time what changes were needed as I have yet to get any sort of handle on the asphalt.
Totally understandable - sort of the downside of Spec racing. It's hard to make manageable changes to a car to increase performance.
In combination with the Spec aspect, we also used a handout motor in the Spec class. Do you feel it also increased the equality of the cars?
Absolutely. I enjoyed the system and felt it was the best for way to go to keep the cars even.
There were two classes - Spec and Super truck. You chose to run in the Spec Truck class during the inaugural Season. Why was that?
I ran Spec because it was simple and came down to driving. All the trucks handle the same - they do nothing very good but everyone must deal with the same evil. At this time I don't have any thoughts of going to the Super Truck class.
Gotcha. Since there are very few modifications you can do, the 'Spec' aspect of it does lend itself well to good drivers. It was also interesting to see the difference in the bodies; cab-over vs Freightliner. Did you try both or just stick with one prior to the season?
I have driven both a fair amount now and really like the Buggyra. It always felt a little more nimble which I like even on carpet.
I felt the same way. More planted as well.
Ok, on to the fun questions - your best moment of the Series?
I would have to say the last two races at TQ. I felt like I had the pace and the ability to race and pass guys which was not easy at that track.
Always a good feeling. Worst moment?
At the last round of at TQ, I was leading by over a lap. About 3/4 of the way through the race, my radio batteries died. However, I did end up winning the other two mains that day, but just got very frustrated at myself. I always check my radio batteries!
Not the first and, I'm sure, not the last to have radio battery problems during a race! But I have to imagine that really sucked.
So, to wrap this up, what words do you have for someone looking to get into a fun Series like the ETRL?
For anyone looking at the getting into something entry level and moderately inexpensive, this is the perfect place! I have had more fun in this series than in any of the other countless series I have participated in over the past years. For next season I plan to repeat my performance and figure out asphalt tracks. This has been such a great series with great people. We constantly push people to join all the time - hopefully next will be even bigger!
We're looking forward to next season as well with some new tracks and new faces!
Exciting stuff! Thanks Tony!
You bet, and thanks so much for the interview, Greg. A big thanks for coming out and supporting the Series! It was great having you and we're looking forward to seeing you defend your Championship next year!